preparing wetland agriculture for market
Paludiculture means wetland farming, i.e. the productive use of wet and rewetted land for farming or forestry (without being drained). Using test-sites across Ireland, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom to deliver 3 large-scale paludiculture demonstrators, Palus Demos seeks to prepare wetland agriculture for market by offering proof-of-concept for scaling up farming via paludicultue as a means of production — including for entirely new products and industries such as sphagnum moss and carbon farming.
- Materials development and capacity building on landscape finance
- Co-creation workshops involving international experts
- Investment opportunities for paludiculture
- Develop sustainable socio-economic models
- Develop accounting methods for carbon removals
- Creating a long-term business plan for each demonstrator
- Developing the data-powered, user-friendly SmartPaludi decision support platform
- Further establish soil-carbon storage
- Inform future voluntary carbon markets
- Wetland farming by Sphagnum cultivation
- Carbon farming by diverse paludiculture crops
- Create Knowledge Transfer groups
- Generate landscape-scale financing
- Demonstrate low-cost monitoring
- Establish a Peatland Centre of Excellence

Project scope:
€10 million
4 years (2025 – 2029)
SDG’s targeted:
Project Partners:
- University of Galway (coordinator)
Ireland - University College Dublin
Ireland - Bord na Móna
Ireland - Aibhainn Beo (The Rivers Trust)
Ireland - Growing Media Ireland
Ireland - Forum Connemara
Ireland - Peatland Finance Ireland
Ireland - FH Media
- Struunhoeve Agri B.V.
Netherlands - Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
Netherlands - University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
Netherlands - Universiteit van Amsterdam
Netherlands - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Netherlands - Stichting Wetland Products (collaborating with the Municipality of Amsterdam)
Netherlands - Eurosite
Netherlands - Manchester Metropolitan University
United Kingdom - Liverpool John Moores University
United Kingdom - Natural England
United Kingdom - IUCN UK Peatland Programme
United Kingdom - Micropropagation Services (E.M.)
United Kingdom - Wright Farm Produce Ltd
United Kingdom - Saltyco
United Kingdom - Lancashire Wildlife Trust
United Kingdom - The Andersons Centre
United Kingdom - Landscape Finance Lab
Austria - NABU